The Story Behind Our Name and Branding

The name Retroglass Productions was created based upon our love for all things old and vintage...funky old patterns, music, tin cans, band t-shirts, artwork and glass. Glass? Yes, glass...but not just any type of glass. Specifically old glass Coca- Cola bottles and pink depression glass as Zach loves all things Coca- Cola and Stacey just simply loves pink glass. Also, the (glass) portion of our name seems to go hand in hand with the fact that our videos are recorded through a glass lens.
As for our branding... we wanted to create simple packaging that fits our personality and most importantly feels personable. We therefore opted for a plain kraft paper CD jacket and decided to dress it up with our own uniquely designed graphics. Everything from our logo, thank you notes, and CD labels are created by us. We also decided to go with the colors brown, mint, and orange because they are our favorite colors and let's face it they are not too boyish or too girlish. Here is what you can look forward to when you receive a film through us :)